How to Ask for a Date With Flowers?

Many different types of flowers have different romantic connotations, but nothing shows love and romance quite like a bouquet of beautiful blooms. You may be wondering how to ask for a date with flowers. Specifically, which types of flowers are the best fit? When should you give them? What colors symbolize what you are feeling best?

Don’t worry because we are here to help you answer all these questions!

Should I Bring Flowers for a First Date?

So, how do you ask for a date with flowers? Well, it all depends on your situation and your style. Here are some factors to consider to help you answer that question.

How Long Have You Known Your Date

If you have known each other for a while or have previously hung out but are now going on a real first date, bringing a bouquet of flowers would help the date feel special. On the other hand, if you have recently met or are going on a blind date, you may want to put the flowers on hold for now to avoid coming off too strong. 

The Formality of Your Date

Keep in mind that you should consider the occasion of your date. Is it formal or not? For example, if you have an elaborate dinner date planned, then definitely bring flowers. Doing so matches the ambiance of the date. However, if you have planned something casual like meeting at a coffee shop, flowers may be a bit too much. 

What Are the Best Flowers for a Date?

The best thing about flowers is that each type has its own beauty and meaning. If you know the type of flower your crush likes, it makes the process a whole lot easier for you. Unsure about their style? This outline will help you choose the right blooms. 


A red rose is an iconic symbol to send a message of romance and love. This flower is best after you have gone on a few dates and want to show a deeper level of romantic interest. 


Orchids are elegant flowers. These flowers last for quite a while and express love and beauty. 


Lillies are great because they come in many different colors. They give a playful and vibrant expression to your bouquet. However, be careful if your date is a cat owner — lilies can be highly toxic to cats


Tulips make a great alternative for a bouquet of roses. Similar to lilies, they also come in many colors, making them a great versatile option for all romantic occasions. 

What Color Flowers Are Best for a Date?

If you want to give a romantic vibe, the best colors are red and pink. For example, red and pink roses or tulips would be your best choice. However, if you want to give off a sweet and playful vibe, yellow or orange lilies would be the way to go. 

We Can Help You Find the Best Bouquet

Still unsure about how to ask for a date with flowers? Let our experts at Bloomen find the best flowers. Call us at (844) 256-6636 for assistance.

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