Our "Oh So Pretty" bouquet is a dazzling arrangement that combines hot pink roses and gerberas with the beauty of purple daisy mums, carnations, Lisianthus, and statice. Enhanced by the greens of pitt and salal, this bouquet is vibrant floral artistry.
Tailored for the pink-and-purple enthusiast in your life, "Oh So Pretty" stands as a testament to the beauty. This bouquet is not just a gift; it's a statement of affection and admiration, designed to brighten the day of moms, sisters, girlfriends, daughters, or friends.
The striking combination of hot pink and purple blooms creates an eye-catching display, making it a popular choice for various occasions. Be it birthdays, celebrations, or simply to convey your appreciation, "Oh So Pretty" promises to leave a lasting impression.
We recommend presenting this arrangement in a vase to showcase its true beauty, just as our designers intended.